Become a friend
Friends and relatives of choir members can become more closely associated with the choir by becoming Friends of the Choir. Benefits of becoming a friend include:
Advance notification of our main concerts
A free programme for our main concerts
The opportunity to join the Pound Club
Regular information about the choir
Discount of £1.50 per ticket for our main concerts
Join in social events with choir members
Free entry in an annual draw
10% discount for choir CDs, etc
Single membership: £10 per annum. Joint membership: £18 per annum – covers two people, not necessarily spouses.
Complete the form below and return it to Hilary Stokes, Secretary Kevock Choir, 20 Ravenscroft Gardens, Edinburgh, EH17 8RP, with a cheque for the appropriate amount, payable to ‘The Edinburgh Kevock Choir’.
Please join us and become part of the Kevock Family.