
Music Library

The Edinburgh Kevock Choir has built up an extensive library of music over the years and choirs are welcome to hire music from us.
The following terms and conditions apply:

• Sheet music may be hired at 30p per copy’ (plus postage)
• The cost for books/scores will be 70p per month (plus postage)
• All requests should include a delivery date, return date and the number of copies required.
• An official contract of hire will be signed on behalf of the borrower.
• An invoice will be sent once the music has been despatched and a further invoice should any music be returned damaged or later than the agreed return date.
• Music which is lost or not returned will be charged in full.

We would also request the following:
Copies should only be marked with a light pencil. All such personal marks should be erased before return.
Marks should be restricted to those necessary for performance as directed by your Conductor/Musical Director. Use abbreviations, not elaborate notations.
Please observe the normal copyright regulations.
To arrange to borrow music please make contact via the website.
Music Library here

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